All this…AND I just lost a $500 Hyatt gift card.

Yesterday was the worst day I’ve had in a long time. While I was at work, someone smashed out the back window of my car (looks suspiciously like a hit-and-run by a ladder, don’t you think)?
In a completely-separate-but-equally-awful moment (unrelated to the car), I also discovered that a $500 Hyatt gift card I ordered was gone. When I opened the envelope to remove the card, it simply wasn’t there – it had been ripped off the paper backing.
Wow. Coming home last night felt like I had walked into an evil surprise party.
And Josh is traveling right now, so I’m flying solo with the kids, which just added a layer of complexity to an already-complicated evening: trying to simultaneously get homework done, make dinner, and find a shop to fix the glass first thing in the morning was not an easy feat.
After dinner, I called the Hyatt gift card customer service center. They were REALLY nice, but they basically said…sorry. Apparently gift cards are like cash, and if you lose them, you are likely out of luck.
I’m going to follow up with everyone I can, and hopefully someone at Hyatt can help me (Hyatt, are you reading this?), but wow…$500 and a car window, all in one night?
Since #ThrowbackThursday is tomorrow, I’m just going to say it…
“Calgon, Take Me Away!”
Does anyone have experience with lost Hyatt cards? Or did anyone else have a really bad day yesterday?
Maybe your C.C. company can help you out. You never received the item you purchased.
Patrick – Yes! I will try that avenue as well.
well if you are saying you left an unregistered/no way to register gift card in your car and it was stolen you are out of luck.
Jay – It wasn’t in my car π
Renters/Homeowners insurance should cover personal property/damage like that if you don’t want to do anything on the auto side. Fingers crossed things change course for you!
AF – Thank you!
Another reason we have insurance and guns.
how would a gun have helped in this situation?
mark – Not sure what to say to that!
Check craigslist and ebay for someone local selling a $500 hyatt giftcard perhaps?
Trinob – Very detective-y. π
OMG, I am so sorry. Life happens. Shake it off. The longer you stay stressed about it, the worse it will be.
FCQ had one stolen a couple months ago. He was able to use it since we had saved the number in a spreadsheet and he knows the people at the hotel very well.
Gene – Now you have that Taylor Swift song stuck in my head! “Shake It Off” indeed!
DOH! I completely missed the part that the lost Hyatt card was unrelated to the car smashing. You should absolutely file a dispute with your credit card company. You did not receive what you ordered. It is not your responsibility to ensure that your mail is not pilfered. Don’t waste your time with the people at the Post Office, as they are complete idiots and will TRULY infuriate you.
So you got the card in the mail and it wasn’t there? Either it was taken at the point where it was mailed or your mailman or someone at the local post office has sticky fingers. I’d file a claim (if you can) with the post office. I think tampering with mail is a crime.
sw – Tampering with mail is definitely a crime!
They should know what card number they sent you and could check the balance,
To me if the card value has not been used yet it is ridiculous they can’t void the card and replace it. If used they should be able to track who used it and where, I guess their one concern could be if the purchaser is pulling something (ie. actually selling the card and then trying to cancel it).
Their T&C say “Lost, stolen or damaged cards will not be canceled or replaced without card number and proof of purchase.” You have proof of purchase, Do you have, or can you get, the card number?
Carl P – I have proof of purchase but there is no way I can get the card number.
I wonder why somebody, after taking the card, wouldn’t just keep and trash the envelope, Leaving the empty envelope basically gave you an early alert the card was stolen.
This is why I really prefer e-gift cards (which Hyatt does have) rather than physical cards.
Carl P – Definitely going to get the e-gift card next time!
Ok maybe I am missing something, but can’t you just call and cancel it? Like you would a credit card if it was stolenβ¦β¦and then if someone trys to use it β¦.they catch the person to.
kj – I could if I had the card number, but I don’t, because the card was stolen π
yikes! what a day! Esp since the husband isn’t around. that sucks. I hope after a good night sleep, things will be go better & be resolved today.
Rebecca – Thank you!
Okay, that’s a pretty bad day. I’m really sorry to hear it. Hang in there though–you’ve got this!
Caroline – I do! I got this! Thanks for validating. π
Hi Kendra,
Yowza – a bad day for sure. Can’t offer any more advice re: the gift card than what’s already been suggested.
However, we had our bad day the first week in January. Husband had met the very high deductible on his med insurance, so went in mid-Nov. (6 weeks before year end) to arrange for a gel injection for his knee so we would not have to pay out of pocket. On Jan 6 we got a call from the drug company saying they just received the script the day before. Cost to us – $965+!
It sucks, but we are fortunate enough to be able to pay for the important things we need and have in life, and save a lot thanks to miles, points and savvy consuming/spending.
S–t happens – don’t let it control you. Do what you can and then move on.
Good health and happiness are way more important in life.
Marilyn B – ARGH! That is super frustrating! But I agree – feeling lucky for so much. And moving on!! Life is too short to dwell on negatives. π
Hyatt is here! I’m so sorry to hear of the situation and what happened. Maybe we can make it a bit better. If you have any proof of purchase of the original gift card and we can verify you did indeed purchase it AND the value is still on the card, we may be able to help. Please send me anything you have regarding the purchase of the $500 Hyatt Gift Card to and we will see what we can do!
Todd – Manager – Hyatt Gift Cards
Todd – Hyatt to the rescue!! I love you!! Thank you, thank you!
what great customer service! love it
Well I hope Hyatt didn’t send out $500 in “cash” First Class Mail uninsured. I would speak with a supervisor at Hyatt. Seems like the card was lost during transit and Hyatt can file a claim with whatever shipping company they used.
did the window get smashed or did it blow out? The rear window in my sienna blew out one night while it was sitting in my driveway. A lot of back and forth with Toyota and still not resolved. It looked just like yours does. Defect in the window manufacturing process.
Mike T – WHA?? That’s crazy! I wonder! I wasn’t home so have no idea how it happened!
Wow! What a day! So glad Hyatt stepped up. Thank you, Hyatt. Will definitely look to you next trip with this kind of customer care.
A lot, I mean a LOT of people have been saying what a weird, bizarre couple of days they’ve been having.
Solar flares? That mercury retrograde thing? Holiday cookies finally catching up?
Sounds like another Hawaii trip is needed!
Shannon – Yes! This week has been crazy! Thanks for the hugs π
Sending lots and lots of hugs to you!
I hope it all gets resolved; sometimes life just sucks.
On the flip side, in the future, one of your days is going to be absolutely perfect!
I have no advice to give which hasn’t already been given.
Hoping for the best!
icicle – π