Dear Curb: I’m sorry. Can we still be friends?

In the past few months, I’ve written a few times about Curb, which is a taxi-summoning app that works the same way as Uber and Lyft (download an app, then use the app to summon a car). Honestly, I got off to kind of a rocky start with them: they never seemed to be in the right place, at the right time…at least not for me. This was so annoying that I considered deleting the app from my phone, even though I had credits to use.
But I’ve changed my mind about Curb. Why? Three reasons:
1. They are so dang nice.
Someone from the company reached out to me recently via email. She had seen my blog posts and tweets – which were less than complimentary – and wanted to apologize for their “less than awesome” service, and to ask if I had any feedback for them. I love it when brands do this, because I feel like they are paying attention, and that they care. (By the way, this is in direct contrast to recent communications I’ve had with Lyft, but that is a story for a different post).
2. They are trying hard.
When I responded to the above email, I got a quick and personal response. Same thing with Twitter. Any time I’ve tweeted about them, they’ve responded quickly and personally. Although their app is tough to use, they admit that, and they are working hard to make it better. That counts for a lot in my book.
3. They don’t use surge pricing like Lyft and Uber.
‘Nuff said.
Take two.
Sooo…Curb, if you are reading this, I’m sorry. Maybe I was wrong about you. I’m definitely willing to give you another chance.
Just hurry up and come to San Francisco. 😉
How to get a $15 Curb credit
Want to see if Curb will work for you? Here’s how to try it:
1. Install the Curb App.
2. Create your account.
3. Go to the settings page (top right-hand corner).
4. Select “promos and credits.”
5. Enter a referral code (currently the best code to use is NOSURGE. If that has expired, my code is R82H70 if you would like to use it – thanks!).
6. Receive your Curb credit!
The next time you ride and use the app to pay with your credit card, the $15 credit will be applied to your final ride total.
Good luck!
Please let me know how it goes. I’m sure the folks from Curb would like to hear your feedback, as well.
Curb, I’m rooting for you!
I’m looking for alternatives and hope they get to SF soon too. Thanks for the encouragement!
let us know how it goes! No Curb in my area but if we see some good reviews, maybe we’ll give them a try next time we’re on the mainland