Do you care what you look like on a flight?

I am on a flight home from Miami to San Francisco right now. Six hours of fun 🙂
When I boarded the plane, I think I looked like a normal person, but two hours into the flight, all bets are off. To start with, I am wearing a chunky knit cap that is big enough to contain my hair. Because of its enormous size, it also makes me look like a conehead. So there’s that.
Next, I am not wearing any makeup. Eek! Instead, I have on a super heavy-duty moisturizer to counteract the supernatural dehumidifying effects of plane air.
I’ve got my glasses on. Paired with the hat, it’s a delicious combo, lemme tell ya.
I am also wrapped, cocoon-like, in an oversized scarf.
Here’s a photo:
So I have to ask: do you care what you look like on a plane? Or do you join me in my decision that it’s a beauty-free zone?
I typically start the day trying, but somehow I always end with hair in a crazy bun and my “just in case I get cold” comfy hoodie on!
Krista – I’ve given up trying!
I would have to extremely disagree and here is why. You want to make a flight a “beauty-free zone.” Do you consider being outside a “beauty-free zone?” I never understand why people feel that it is appropriarpte just to “let themselves go,” on planes. This is by no means an attack on being dressed comfortably (I travel over 100K miles a year and know the importance of comfort on long trips)…but I feel it is offensive when some slob (which you are not) dressed in sweatpants, crocks, and a fricking banana clip sits next to me un showered with dirty hair and looks like they just came out of a crack house! Now I certainly don’t wear a tie or jacket, but I definitely dress appropriately, more so as I usually travel in first or business ( however, I would still dress this way even in coach). Here are some helpful tips from a man who has learned some tricks along the way:
1. In my carryon, I bring a nice pair of slippers (I’m not talking the ones your grandma wore with her mumu either…I’m talking black leather with fur lining so I can quickly change into them and still look good while being comfortable…& everybody hates those slippers that the hotel provides so why not bring your nice pair from home…also, I’ve seen on several trips people take their shoes off, with no socks. And use the airplane bathroom with bare feet! Gross!
2. Comfy slacks (NEVER SWEAT PANTS unless they’re having a PX-90 class on the upper deck on your 747). Something classy yet comfortable….khaki usually works best…(no pleats please)!
3. Cozy sweater with a nice scarf no matter what the climate. The scarf comes in VERY HANDY & can usually be dry cleaned the moment you arrive at your hotel/destination.
Under the sweater can be a nice cotton button down or long sleeve tee (but would need to be a fashionable tee if you plan that as your garment to show off on the plane. Having 2 layers also helps with any cabin temperature adjustments.
4. Your clear 2 oz. Bag…in it should be the following:
-Handsanitizer (for the tray table and that part of bulkhead your neighbor just untouched that his bare feet were on then he touched that, pee on the bathroom floor,…you get the idea.
-things tom”freshen up prior to deboarding or for emergencies
5. Noise cancelling headphones…enough said
6. A light sport coat/jacket
& that should do just fine. Just remember, you don’t have to give up beauty, while compromising comfort. Your seatmate will thank you.
Oh…last, but not least, dress nicely for your own piece of mind…the more people travel like they are riding the bus, the more you feel like you’re riding in one…flying in first class and business travelers are most often the WORST offenders as they feel “entitled to dress like hobos. If I wanted to go to sit in the C section row 2 at the Mississippi State Fair with Honey Boo-Boo, I would have bought my self a ticket there instead…& please….let’s not even get into why it’s ok to wear pajamas to “run to the store!”
This was fun:)
William – ROCK ON!! Love your comment 😉
By the way, what I meant by a “beauty-free zone” really only applied to the neck up. I still dress in my usual glamorous fashion while up in the air.
And I want a pair of slippers like yours – nice touch.
Oh my my my William, relax much? I will be sure to bring a scarf next time, oh and musn’t forget to drop it at the dry cleaners the moment I arrive! Thanks for the tip!!
How do you know your seatmate is touching pee on the bathroom floor? Do you follow behind, smelling their hands?
William- Just made my day. AWESOME!
While my daughter says you look crazy, I have definitely looked CRAZIER on flights. Truthfully said, I like to take it up just a bit especially when I am traveling for work, but comfort is king. The only change needed to your photo is the addition of a huge bottle of water. Bon voyage!
Ginger – Ha ha!
You look fabulous, as always!
Gene – Aw.
I love to dress up to travel but I don’t fly as much as you do. I almost always wear a dress. It reminds me of old movies when people dressed up to fly.
Michelle – You sound very glamorous! Love it!
I live in Japan, so most of my plane travel tends to be international long haul. So I prefer to dress casually and comfortably rather than dress to impress.
No matter how I dress, by the end of a 12 hour flight and wait at passport control I look like one of the walking dead. So best to be comfortable.
Andrew – Ha ha, your description made me laugh 😉
I agree with Ginger, comfort is king. With that said, if traveling to HI or warm weather climate, I like to wear a dress, typically a long comfy maxi-dress, with flip flops, socks packed in my bag for the flight.
If traveling to/from cooler climates, can nearly always find me in black yoga pants and a comfy tee. Sneakers or flip flops, depending how cold.
In either case, I’m likely to be sporting some glamorous shades and Photo by Mac lipstick.
Rebecca – I love how you’ve got it all figured out. The shades and Photo are always a good finishing touch.
If its domestic and I know I’ll be in steerage, then its just normal everyday clothes. If its domestic first I’ll try to dress up a bit.
If I’m in international business or first, I do try to dress up nice like the “old days” as an earlier poster mentioned. I think I get treated better when I attempt to have a bit of class. My .02.
Lanny – Classy is always a good look. And I think you are right about being treated better when you dress up.
I go for comfort when I’m traveling. Normally yoga pants and a T-shirt with a hoodie handy if I get cold. That is my travel wardrobe if flying or driving. I’m driving to Florida next month and my list for packing is already done.
Wendy M – Wow! I’m impressed that you are already done with your list. It takes me forever to pack.
Not overly much, but to some degree… except for a flight from Manila to Tokyo where I had 0 hours of sleep and went straight from the after hours club to my flight, haha.
Jim – Yikes! You’re tougher than I am 😉
I’m beauty-free but mostly because I’m always cold on airplanes! You’ll find my layered up and cocooned most of the time.
Becky – No way are you beauty-free! You are beauty-full.
I love this post! I read it 2 weeks ago and just died laughing.
I am one(of the few it seems nowadays) who still thinks they´re living in the 70s and gets all fresh and cute for flying..then while taking a restroom break to moisturize mid-flight, I realize how horrendous I look!! hahahah.. I blame it all on the fluorescent lighting! lol
Diego – I love that you “get” my sense of humor.
And I love the 70’s! I’ve defined my style as “70’s Glam,” as a matter of fact.
AND…I know exactly what you mean about the dreaded mid-flight moisturizer break when you realize that all bets are off and you don’t look as cute as you thought you did. It’s the worst.