Do you know what TRLT means?

TRLT is not TMI, but it might make you LOL.
My friend Point Chaser was the one who first told me about #TRLT. She knows that I have done a lot of shoestring-backpacking-wandering travel, and she thought I would appreciate the #TRLT community.
She was right!
So, what is #TRLT? It’s a Twitter travel chat! TRLT stands for The Road Less Traveled. This chat is fantastic if you enjoy traveling to overlooked countries. It’s an hour filled with interesting stories and tips about places most people haven’t visited yet.
#TRLT happens every Tuesday at 10 am Pacific Time/1 pm Eastern. I like it because you can kind of pop and and out while still picking up some great info.
Last week, I learned that if you are planning to visit certain countries (Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Iran, Libya, Kuwait, and Sudan), you cannot have an Israeli entry stamp in your passport or you will be denied entry. However, you can ask at Israeli airport immigrations for them to stamp a separate piece of paper instead of your passport.
I also learned that the current cost of a Visa to Brazil is $160. That seems really expensive!
This week’s #TRLT chat topic is Local Transport. I’ve personally got a lot to say about this topic. My husband Josh still tests positive for TB – years later! – because of some particularly long and clearly infectious bus rides in Ghana.
Here is the list of questions for today:
1) Which country on The Road Less Traveled has the best public transport network?
2) What is your preferred method of transportation on The Road Less Traveled?
3) What is your best local transport experience on The Road Less Traveled?
4) What is your worst local transport experience on The Road Less Traveled?
5) What is the most unusual form of transport you have taken?
If you’ve got an interest in the road less traveled, I encourage you to check it out. Join in, or just watch all the stories and tips scroll past.
In case you aren’t familiar with how a Twitter chat works, it’s easy to get the hang of it. Just type #TRLT in the search box to begin.
Tweets that include the #TRLT hashtag will appear. As people respond to questions and interact, more tweets will start scrolling down the page.
You can absolutely just read the tweets in the feed, but it’s also fun to participate! If you want to jump into the chat, just make sure that your tweets include the #TRLT hashtag or others following the chat won’t be able to see them.
TTFN! Maybe I’ll see you on TRLT…
Now I really know what TRLT means, Thanks to you to bring this one up, I have always loved to joining Travel Community chat’s it not only broadens our knowledge, but also inspires you to prudently move towards your goals; with the help tweets from fellow travellers.
Through #TRLT , I have made many friends, exchange numerous stories, shared experience of my Travel and learned new things which I didn’t new earlier, with that…I will continue
We wish you all the best on your Travel
Keep up the good work,
Thank you very much..
Rohit (Travel Punter)
Rohit – Thanks for the nice feedback! See you on #TRLT 🙂
Really enjoy reading Points& Pixie Dust, although I’m just a “lurker” most of the time. (Still getting used to the new format since you joined the Boarding Area)
BTW – in addition to the $160 for a visa to Brazil (which usually must be applied for waaay in advance and in person at one of the few Brazilian embassies in the U.S.), it costs the same fee for entrance to Argentina & Chile (although the latter two entry fees are not paid until crossing into the countries). All three countries are adamant about the fact that these are “reciprocity fees” = the same amount that their citizens pay for a visa to the U.S. The difference, however, is that when the U.S. declines their application for a visa, the applicant loses the fee paid in advance.
Sharon – Great info! Thank you.
So glad you enjoy reading. I’m glad you’re here.
Thanks, I will check out #TRLT sometime! There is a similar running twitter talk hour that I’ve dropped in for.
I’ve had a couple visas for Brazil as I travel there for work sometimes. My most recent one is good for either 5 or 10 yrs.(I can’t recall and it’s not in front of me at the moment). They started issuing them for longer periods due to Olympics /World Cup volume.
Note that you do not need to go to in person to the Brazilian Consulate. But if you wanted to, CA and west coast states, it’s in SF. For central states it’s in Houston. Don’t know for east. You visit your assigned consulate only based on state of residence. I’ve been to both (Houston for someone else). If visiting a consulate is too troublesome, instead you can use an agency such as CIBT to process your application and obtain the visa. Can all be done via mail. There is a processing fee, don’t recall amt. If you need it fast, CIBT usually says they can expedite, but you’re better off with another agency called ” It’s Easy”. They are super quick ( of course for a cost), I’ve seen turnaround in close to a week.
Years ago, I had a contact in the Houston Consulate who did a 2 day Brazil visa turnaround for my boss who needed to take a quick trip. Two RT flights SF to Houston in <a week for me to go on her behalf to drop off/pickup. Too bad I wasn't into points and miles back then!
Rebecca – Thanks for the detailed info! Useful to bookmark.
BTW – current Brazil visa is for 10 yrs (sweet!). Previously they only issued to me for 2 yrs at a time.