Field trip: shopping with blog readers in Seattle.

A few weeks ago, I wondered out loud (here on the blog) if anyone would like to meet up for a thrift store field trip in Seattle.… and I was delighted to hear from a group of readers who wanted to join me for the afternoon!
It was awesome.
We started off at Lifelong Thrift, which is in the Capitol Hill neighborhood. Things got off to an exciting start as we found gems such as a pair of Tod’s heels for $29 and a couple of vintage Coach bags. The shop was small, but we found some quality pieces. I got a long, fitted jacket, Angelina snapped up a perfect pair of jeans, and Hottie got the softest cashmere sweater.
We stopped for a bite and a sip at a little hot dog joint next door. JustSaying (a frequent commenter on my blog) bought a round of hot dogs and Cokes, then we piled in cars and went to our next stop, which was the Goodwill at 1400 S Lane Street.
It. Was. Amazing.
Seriously, this was the best thrifting experience of my life. If you get the chance – go here. I found piles of stuff – a Brooks Brothers sweater, a cute little Theory jacket, a Vince sweater – for pennies on the dollar. Hottie and I finally had to force ourselves out the door after over two hours had passed, and we had to buy random bags to so we could get all the stuff home again.

We were all so excited about our finds, but I think I can speak for all of us that the best part was connecting with each other. It was so great to meet everyone, and we had such a good time together.

I will definitely do something like this again. Hopefully you can join me next time! I’d love to meet more readers…those of you I’ve met so far all so interesting and fun.

Would you be in for next time? Where should we meet?
I would love to thrift shop with the gang. But I live in suburbia, so you would also have to bring the thrift shop. :>
Anne – Ha! When I was in Portland, I went to the cutest thrift shop that was actually in an old-fashioned bus! Lodekka. It was fantastic. Maybe that is my next career move. 😉
Even though I didn’t find anything this round, I’m totally up for the next time.
Allison – Great! I loved meeting you.
I have been searching for Paris Haute Couture thrifts and the best one I have found so far is which seems to be the one that is mentioned over and over again…….if anyone has Paris thrifts to share please speak up. I promise a full report with pics.