From The Lab: Creepy or Cool?

When I lived in New York, I had a fabulous job in the makeup marketing department of a major cosmetics company. We spent our days discussing makeup and how to name, package, and apply it. I loved going to work every day! The shelves (and the oven) of my apartment were packed with every type, shade, and consistency of makeup possible; I took my job very seriously.
Sadly, I left New York and had to get a different job, but I will probably forever be on the lookout for new and innovative beauty products. I look for them when I’m at home, and when I travel. Foreign dollar stores? Overseas drugstores? Heaven.
I got this ceramic kohl bottle at a market in Ghana. Isn’t it cool?
So, when a friend told me about From The Lab, I had to try it.
From The Lab is a monthly subscription box that delivers super innovative beauty products up to 18 months before they are available in retail stores here in the US. Each month, they send a supply of something that will possibly blow your mind. I say this because my mind was just blown when I tried the most recent product, which is a crazy good face cream.
Cost is $25 a month, and you don’t know what you are going to get in advance. It’s a surprise. They send between 1-3 products at a time, and the estimated retail value is between $40-$200.
I love it.
I also know that it is also just a teeny bit scary for some of my friends. You’re being reckless! they tell me, The products aren’t on the market in the States!
Because I worked in the cosmetics world, I know that actually the reverse is often true: Europe bans ingredients that the US still allows in both food AND cosmetics. So I’m thrilled with this scary box and these crazy good products. If you want to try it, here’s my link. I’ll get a referral credit if you use it, and you will get to see what all the fuss is about.
Or should I say: enjoy? What do you think about From The Lab?
If I didn’t have such sensitive skin I’d be all over this. And it’s totally not creepy – it’s in-the-know! It’s easy to get the impression that the US is the most stringent in terms of safety because of all of our rules and regs, but just look at the GMO example to see that’s not necessarily true. I say: Enjoy! (Especially in small doses!)
I don’t think it’s creepy, kinda cool actually to get to be the recipient of cutting edge cosmetics. Agree w/PinkIsNice – trust other countries products far more than USA!