Giveaway! Win a set of T Spheres (these belong in your carry-on AND in your desk).

Note: This giveaway is now over. Thanks to everyone who entered!
If you are a regular reader of this blog, you know that I started a new job a few months ago, and that – while I LOVE it – it has been very demanding. Fun, but fast-paced. Super interesting, but stressful. You get the idea.
Currently, my days are passing in a WHIRLWIND. Often, I will look up and realize that it’s 3 pm – and I haven’t left my desk for hours. (I know, this is so bad!)
Obviously, this is terrible for my body. My goal over the next few weeks is to be much more conscious of going to the gym at lunchtime, but in the meantime, I am looking for little ways that I can relax and de-stress while I’m at work.
Incredibly, in a moment of perfect timing, T Spheres reached out to see if I wanted to review their portable massage and aromatherapy spheres. Honestly, I couldn’t say yes fast enough. T Spheres are aromatherapy-infused massage balls that you can roll over different pressure points on your body to alleviate stress and release tension.
T Spheres come in four different scents: Inner Beauty (rose geranium), Peace and Quiet (lavender), Pep-Up-Mint (peppermint), and Perk Up (peppermint and grapefruit). I chose Peace and Quiet, because I could definitely use some of that in my life right about now.
The T Spheres arrived packed in a little burlap sack.
They smell amazing because they’re infused with aromatherapy oil; a small spritz bottle of the oil is also included. You can refresh the scent on the T Spheres as needed (every few weeks).
The spheres are about the size of a large rubber ball. In fact, if you’re a parent: beware. My 9-year-old son ended up swiping one of them to use in a marble maze he was building.
I brought the T Spheres to work. Verdict: I LOVE THEM.
I’ve been placing them in a bowl of water and putting them in the microwave for a couple of minutes. When I take them out and roll them along my neck and shoulders, it feels like a hot stone massage, right at my desk. If you’re someone who finds cold things refreshing, you could also pop them into the freezer for 30 minutes – the cold technique would be fantastic for headaches or sinus pain.
I’m also planning on using these on long flights to massage the tightness out of my muscles as I sit in my seat. I love how packable and portable they are.
If you’d like to order your own set, check them out here.
If you are wishing you had a set right about now, you’re in luck, because T Spheres would like to give away a set to a Points and Pixie Dust reader!
Just leave a comment below and tell us: how do you find ways to relax or reinvigorate at the office or on long flights?
Please also let us know which scent you would prefer – Inner Beauty (rose geranium), Peace and Quiet (lavender), Pep-Up-Mint (peppermint), or Perk Up (peppermint and grapefruit).
The deadline to enter this contest is at 11:59 pm PST on Sunday, March 15, 2015. One winner will be chosen at random.
Good luck!
I make it a point to get up and stretch on long flights… and bring a comfortable pillow to sleep on. (prefer the lavender scent)
I think the two most important things for long haul flights for me are staying hydrated, and getting some sleep ( made easier flying business/first class). I prefer the perk-up scent.
To reinvigorate at work I go for a walk during lunch. (Inner beauty is my preference)
Listening to music is my favorite way to relax on planes. (rose geranium sounds wonderful).
At both my desk and on long flights, I find any excuse to stand up and walk around a bit.
I make it a point to drink tons of water and take power naps to recharge. I would love Perk Up.
I do stretches while sitting in my seat every hour if I can’t get up to walk around. I’d love to try the Inner Beauty scent.
I find scents very refreshing. I have a little Yankee Candle “Pomegranate Cider” candle on my desk that I pop open every once in a while, when I need a refreshment. Something about the scent is reinvigorating to me, and reminds me that there is a big world out there, even though I’m only seeing piles of paperwork. I love it so much – I have had it for years and never burned it because I don’t want to lose my little escape in a jar. 🙂 [If selected, I would like the Pep-Up-Mint!]
I walk across the street from my office to a serene park and eat lunch on a bench. Nothing like some Peace and Quiet (my preference) during the work day!
I’d love to win the Peace and Quiet scent because I love all things lavender. I’d use it to relax at the office, just like you described in your post. Thanks.
Airplane yoga at the aft. I can stretch, always make new friends who are curious and inspire others to move and stretch. When at work I’m always verticle, can’t sit so I’m in perpetual motion
I’m perked enough I’d love the lavender.
I drink. Mostly water, but sometimes not water, while I’m flying, at least. Kids also seem to have a way of keeping me invigorated. Sometimes mine, sometimes the kid behind me kicking my seat. Lavender!
I try to eat lunch with my wife several times a week (she works three blocks away from where I work), and I get up and walk around several times during the day to stretch.
Part 2-My wife would love the Perk Ups.
I try to get up and walk around on long haul flights. Yoga before and after is hugely important. If love to try the lavender ones.
Headphones create calm.
I like to relax over a glass of white wine and a horrid reality TV marathon:)
I drink lots of water and try to do leglifts and rotate my ankles while seated.
I would love Perk Up please.
On flights, I bring a book that I’ve been dying to read, drink Cranberry Apple juice (thanks SW for having my favorite kind), and a warm, cozy sweater as I’m always cold! I would love the Pep-0-Mint.
I recently slip/fell on ice so Physical Therapy has been wonderful (the massage relaxes my muscles and brain, I fall asleep everytime) but as soon as I get home, my injured muscles tense up again. These would help me postPT session.
I meant to add in my comment in the office I continue my PT stretches every 5-10 minutes because sitting aggravates my injuries. Sitting at a desk job really hurts like a mofo 🙁 Makes me miserable.
*I would like the Peace and Quiet.
I’m all about essential oils and using my diffuser! I just discovered this a few months ago and it just puts me in a better mood.
I sleep better too. I used to be reliant on Benedryl to sleep. That’s how bad it was.
My wife would like to win this. sounds like it’s right up her alley. She loves essential oils so much at home that now she started bringing them to work because she’s so stressed out at work. It’s the only way to calm her down when dealing with customers. Thanks.
I get up and walk around on long flights, do a little stretching, and I don’t leave home without a comfortable neck pillow, a good book, and my headphones. Music always helps me relax. I would love the Inner Beauty!
Great idea! I like the pep-up-mint
Perk up Mint sounds like a great way to start a gym session.
love to zone out w/ my Bose headphones and a good audio book (then I can close my eyes and rest them while my brain stays occupied!) would love to try the Peace and Quiet (lavender) -sounds fabulous!
Those sound wonderful! I travel with a bottle of peppermint essential oil in case I get a migraine and lately it has leaked on a couple of trips. The Peppermint spheres (Pep Up Mint) could be a better item to travel with since I could spray them before leaving and not travel with the liquid.
I listen to music. I’d like to try Peace and Quiet.
Listen to music while walking around, chatting with strangers 🙂
I would love the peace and quiet, natch! On a plane I enjoy chatting with new people (most of the time) and listening to music!
I set reminders on my devices to get up and I just became a yoga teacher and am mindful to do chair yoga during the day. I am the goof doing a chair lunge and pretzel twist all over desk, on a plane, bus, street corner. Whatever, it all makes a difference, right?!
I walk to work! Peace and Quiet would be great.
This blog could not have come at a better time! It’s been difficult to find time to destress & relax at work, slightly sleep deprived (in middle of an acquisition). The only thing I am looking forward to is my trip to South Africa in April. Just days ago I started working out in my office during my lunch to take control of my body, especially with eating lunch out every day 🙁
Interest to try Perk-up (peppermint grapefruit)! Thanks!
I try to sleep or watch a movie.
I am work from home desk monkey. Taking breaks to walk the dog or do some stretching keeps me sane. I would love the Peace and Quiet, because who doesn’t love a moment of quiet!
I try to do stretches in my seat (airplane or work) and just try to REST on the plane. If I can’t sleep (and I wanted to) I just get more aggravated with myself as the hours pass by and I get more and more tired. I would love the Pep-Up Mint.
At work, I stretch and take some deep breaths. On flights, I listen to music.
I’d love the Pep Up scent!
I do yoga at lunch twice a week, which helps so much. On a flight I find it helps to moisturize and drink a lot of soda water. Keeping the alcohol at a minimum works, too, but what is the fun in that?
Listen to some good music
I teach 6th, 7th and 8th grades so taking a break is important during my day. While at work I’ll snatch moments to think about positive moments that I have experienced and be thankful for them. Drinking green tea through out my day also helps. While in flight, just getting up and move around helps to relax. I think I would like to try Inner Beauty.
I am a sleep apnea sufferer and insomniac–cannot sleep on planes–so i do listen to relaxing music on my iPad and try to do deep breathing. I would love to try the lavender:)
Wherever I am in the world, I try to go for a leisurely walk to relax. I find it tires me out a bit, so I sleep better and clears my head and lungs as well.
I would like to try the peppermint.
I would like to try the Inner Beauty T-spheres . They would come in handy when I try to meditate, trying to relax on the road in my hotel room. I turn down the lights, lie down, and take deep breaths. Ahhhh!
I take a hot/cold pack with me when I travel. If I have a microwave in my room, I heat it up; if I don’t, I put it on nice and use accordingly. Peace and quiet sounds like a great choice: both the scent and wishes for my hotel room ambience when traveling!
I drink water and try to move around as much as I can. The Perk Up scent sounds great to me!
I can’t sleep on planes. While everyone is asleep, I’m watching every movie the airline is showing. Maybe this would do the trick? Any scent would be great.
On planes I read, or if it’s an overnight flight, try to sleep. As for work, for the past 11 years, since I was downsized from my corporate job, I’ve worked out of a home office, so no in-your-space (or in-your-face) co-worker or manager stresses anymore!!! I’ll surf the net, or watch TV or read or something if I need a stress buster. I’m lucky in that I can schedule my time as I like so long as the work gets done. Peace and Quiet (lavender) would be nice to try.
I slap a ThermaCare patch on my shoulders during long-haul flights. It keeps me toasty warm and keeps my muscles from tensing up.
At work, I try to go for a walk.
My favorite way to relax while in the office is to take a break and sit on the lanai, listening to the birds and waterfalls. Breathe deeply and take it all in. It really does help! All about Inner Beauty for me, stop and smell the roses.
I drink lots of water.
tea is calming!
I drink lots of cold water.
I do yoga and drink an iced cold tea
Good posture – let shoulders go, think tall, back straight, and relax when onboard.
Take a break and walk around. Pep-Up-Mint (peppermint)
I make a point of finding a comfortable spot and bring an extra soft scarf to wrap around my pillow for that extra soft luxurious feel. I would love the perk up!
To invigorate myself at work, I try to take care of my body outside of work — eating healthier, getting more sleep and drinking a lot of water.
Stretching and coconut water! Coco water keeps me much more hydrated on flights.
I invigorate myself at the office by stepping outside for a burst of sunshine and a big swallow of fresh air. On a flight I like a nap followed by lots of water and a stroll. Inner Beauty would be my preference.
I get up to stretch and walk around. Perk Up sounds great!
I try to stop for a few moments to take several deep breaths several times a day. (I would love either Inner Beauty or Pep-Up Mint for the fragrance.)
I’m all about lavender. I love it the most. On long hauls, which I did 170,000 miles last year, I try and drink 1 water for every 1 of something less . But after 5+ hours I usually abandon the water and go and chat with strangers. Last year I met an intriguing Saudi Arabian female doctor who taught me how to properly tie a hijab. Thanks Enaam :)!
Breathe and meditate (even for a minute or two). Perk Up sounds perfect.
I find that taking a short, brisk walk is very invigorating!
i get up and walk around
I listen to music or have a piece of chocolate. Also some nice smelling lotion helps.
Both at work and on longer flights, I make sure that I get up and either go for a short walk or stretch to help keep my blood lowing and give my brain a little break from the doldrums of sitting in one place for hours.
I definitely should do it more!
Thank you!