Help! It’s Swimsuit Season Again!

I’m back from the Frequent Traveler University, and I’m sitting here, trying to write a post about a few great things I learned over the weekend, but I can’t do it. I’m too distracted by the box of J Crew swim suits sitting on the floor a few feet away from me. Should I just try them on now and get it over with? It’s simultaneously the worst thing I can think of and the only thing I want to do.
Yep, it’s swimsuit season again. If you are traveling at all this summer, odds are overwhelmingly good that you will find yourself in a pool, at the ocean, or on a lake at some point. Probably more than once. Be honest now: do you really want the ratty old suit you have in your workout bag to be featured in all of this year’s vacation photos? I didn’t think so.
It’s time to get busy. The good suits aren’t all gone yet. YET. They might be tomorrow. Seriously, ladies, do this now. (If you are a guy and you are reading this, good for you – please keep reading so that you can sympathize with the women in your life).
I go through this drama every year; I’ve got very specific needs when it comes to swimwear. You will not catch me in anything with strings. I don’t do halters. No ruffles. No bandeau tops. Yes to a two-piece, and major yes to coverage, but no to skirts and tank tops. SIGH. I’ll just admit it: I’m high-maintenance when it comes to swim.
My solution is always to order online, try on at home, then return. This works great, if I can remember to place my order in late March. Because if I wait longer than that, my size is always sold out. Yes, I forgot to mention that I have a hard-to-find size. How is that possible? Don’t even ask.
So I’ve got a box of J Crew swimsuits staring me down. They may or may not work. If they don’t, I’m moving on to Piperlime. My last resort is Polyore, but I really don’t want to get sucked in to that site – I might never find my way out.
I’m going to end this post so I can hopefully end the drama for this season. Although I must say, a wetsuit might also be a great option at this point. Please let me know if you have any suggestions for where to find great suits – I might need them soon! And I know other readers will thank you as well.
I can absolutely relate, but I have to say we had 100% success with JCrew this year for the whole family! Of course I chose a family color scheme – that’s totally normal, right? Ha! Good luck!
I LOOOOOOVE new swimsuits!!! Seriously I think I have an addiction. Surely I must have at least a dozen bikinis. Ok, not as bad as my dress fetish (yes I have close to 100). To be honest, my favorite place to bikini shop is Brazil. Every time I go I pickup a couple. I also love that in Brazil, they give them to you in cute little bathing suit bags. Kauai is also a great place to bikini shop! Hanalei specifically has some places to check out – the Bikini Room, Hanalei Surf Shop, and the dress shop behind the coffee roasters also has some cute ones (good prices too!). Online stores, sorry I’m not much help there!
Jen – J Crew is definitely my first stop. I think a family color scheme is cute and a great idea!
Rebecca – Love your enthusiasm!!! Brazil, yes! I’ve never been there but I want to plan a trip – I know my daughter Bird would love it there. Now I have another reason to go. And thanks for the Kauai tips – our family will be there next month so I will check those spots out.
You would love the Brazil bikini shops. Stores and stores of them filled with rows and rows of bikini tops & bottoms – you buy separate and of course the bottoms (and tops) come in various coverage sizes. Well, not huge coverage ranges but a lil more here, a lil less there. the take-away bags tho… are just so cute and re-usable!
With the help of this blog, I went to Iceland this past winter! I brought a ratty, old bikini because I didn’t want to risk my good ones getting ruined in the hot springs. What I didn’t realize is how stretched and out-of-fashion my ratty one was. It was so embarrassing walking around in what looked like granny panties. Thanks for the reminder to downgrade and buy a new one! (I love for that, by the way.)
pinkisnice – We’ve all been there (the dreaded granny panty peekaboo look). And thank YOU for the reminder – somehow forgot about them. I love them because they’ve got a ton of sizes.
Great to meet you (at least briefly) at FTU and I am so with you on Jcrew swim – been having good luck recently with Boden as well, though some of my favorites are indeed already gone. But it does remind you that what you can get away with during the winter months doesn’t hide as well in a two piece. 😉 Hello jogging trail!
Mommy Points – I was happy to meet you as well! Great tip about Boden, will check them out. I usually have success there for my kids but haven’t thought to look for myself (sound familiar?). And I am serious about the wetsuit – it might just be my best solution this year 😉
I wish I could wear the IBTWLPB (think of the song) but those years are long gone. Since I am a fair-skinned lap swimmer, not a sun-worshiping lounger, my bathing suits are usually more function than cuteness. But I did happen to find a pretty fuchsia one-piece Speedo at Costco of all places. (Yes, I am admitting to buying swimware at the same place I purchase dog food and gas.) At least now I am making a bit of a splash in my neighborhood pool…
Athleta has great stuff, and pretty much the best return policy ever.
Totally agree with you about tankini’s…yuck! The one piece is back which I am loving for the first time in my life and think I can pull off without looking matronly. For swim attire, I always try to go classy, sporty and on trend, so I find that J.crew and Madewell have some of the cutest. I also think Tory Burch has a great looking swim line but pricey. You can get new and unworn swimsuits on ebay…I bought one that sold out on J. Crew for half the price and I also found a cute Michael Kors one piece. Good luck!
Hottie – Great find! Gotta keep it real.
Naina – Yes! I love Athleta!
Tricia – Sounds like we’ve got a similar style. Did not think to check ebay. GREAT idea.
I think, at least some, men have such troubles. I know I do anyway.
I’m just looking for a pair of swim trunks that have a modicum of style and fit without accentuating my love handles. And then there’s the hair. That’s a bear…