How about a paranoid panic attack?

Lately, I’ve been hearing a lot of buzz about a website called “How About We.” For months, I kind of couldn’t get past the cheese factor of the name, but finally looked into it further today after a tweet from the site caught my eye. It was something about saving $50 on your first date. My deal radar started to ping.
I clicked through to the site, and indeed I was offered a $50 credit toward any date listed on the site. I was still a little skeptical, but I did some browsing, and it turns out the site is a diamond in the rough!
If you can get past the name (How About We For Couples) and the description (helps you have wonderful experiences for two), there are some fantastic bargains to be had. As with any great deal experience, you kind of have to dig a little to find the best ones.
Don’t give up if you see a bunch of generic or sappy sounding dates at first.
If you keep scrolling down, you can find treasures. What I was looking for was the most value for my money, so I was interested in something that I would do, buy, or eat anyway. This is what caught my eye:
Don’t laugh! Because I had a $50 coupon, I was able to get a BBQ meal that serves four, delivered to my doorstep, for $11:
It really was only $11!
It seemed a little too good to be true, but in the spirit of a true deal-hunter, I continued to browse the site for more bargains. What I found was a section called “Rewards.” This is an assortment of deals that aren’t dates, just hefty discounts on various services and products. I decided to purchase a month of gourmet coffee for $12.50:
I also got a “buy one, get one free” movie ticket:
At this point, I had spent a total of $38.50 for $168 worth of goodies. This was such a good deal that I wanted to write about it, so I went back through my Twitter feed to find the details.
The tweet was gone. It had just disappeared. This weirded me out. Where did it go? Had it been some kind of fake tweet? Was this a phishing scam? I spent WAY too much time trying (unsuccessfully) to track it down. It didn’t make sense. I knew I wasn’t making it up because the $50 had been deducted from my purchase, but there was no reference to any similar deal online…anywhere.
After going so far as to cross-reference my credit card statement and somehow managing to reach a very questionable-looking Twitter account titled “How About We – GirlsNYC,” I finally sent the real “How About We” site an email titled, “Am I Crazy?”
The short answer would have been: yes.
The long answer is: no. Here is the response I got to my email:
Thanks for writing in and your interest in HowAboutWe for Couples. Our promos are unique to each member and therefore cannot be shared. If your friends sign up for a free membership, they will be signed up for our e-mail list and will receive different daily promos from us, including the $50 promo you received as well. Once they redeem these promos, they will be signed up for paid membership, including a free month trial.
At this point, I imagine that only the most committed and intrepid deal-hunters are still with me. If this applies to you, I salute you.
Now go get some deals!
(If you want me to refer you to How About We, send me an email ( and let me know. You can also use this link. I don’t get any credit or compensation, but you can get a deal. And that is a good thing).
This brings up an issue that keeps me from taking advantage of certain deals and I’d love your thoughts. I’m talking about those first month seductions. For example, if you got the 50% off for the coffee for this month, at what point can you/will you cancel (assuming you want to)? Same goes for the membership to HowAboutWe, since it too is offering just a month promo. Is there an easy way to manage the variety of offers you may be juggling? And is there a rule of thumb about how quickly you can bail out? Thanks for the tips!
Ah, the “trial offer.” Yes, I share your trepidation, actually. What I always do is to cancel as soon as I receive the first order in the mail. It’s an automatic reminder. In terms of membership to online services, I just write a cancel date on my calendar as soon as I sign up. As for how quickly you can bail out, I always give the product or service an honest try, but I usually don’t hang on past the first trial month unless it’s truly amazing.