How To Avoid Parking Drama In An Unfamiliar City – Save Both Cash And Your Sanity!

Every few weeks, I open my mailbox to a nice surprise: a check from Feecation! In case you don’t already know about Feecation, it works like an insurance policy: you pay $17/month for a membership, and during the time you are a member, you can submit claims totaling up to $1,250/year. (If you’re curious, you can read what I wrote about it here and here).
*At this point, I should note that I do not receive any kind of compensation from Feecation…I just like the savings they provide, and want to share what I know so that you guys can save some cash, too!
While I always enjoy getting refunded for travel costs, I also enjoy saving money on the spot when I am traveling, and it turns out that Feecation can help with that as well. They’ve got a feature called the Parking Finder, and it delivers just what it promises: it lists all of the parking facilities in the area, along with detailed costs.
I love this idea, because I have definitely been in the situation of cluelessly driving around, searching for parking in an unfamiliar city, spending tons of time and patience as the minutes tick by. In fact, on more than one occasion, I have called it quits and driven to a nearby bar instead.
Since we are headed to Seattle this weekend (and my bar strategy would not work because this is a family vacation, not a girlfriend getaway), I decided to give the Parking Finder a spin, using the Space Needle as my epicenter. Here’s what came back:
Tons of options! I clicked on a spot at random to see what happened, and here is the result:
Whoa! That is steep! I am never parking there. I clicked on another option to do some comparison shopping:
Much better! Cha-ching! I am totally going to use this during our trip.
Has anyone already used this feature? If you have, I’d love to hear how it worked for you.
Cool app. you didn’t explicitly say it so I’ll just ask. Does Feecation cover all or a portion of the parking fee?
Oh and will they pick up the bar tab ๐
Peter – Great questions, both ๐
Feecation does not cover any of the parking costs, but they provide the information so you can find the lowest price around. I *wish* they would pick up the bar tab!