Big News: How to Sync the Same Offer to Multiple Amex Cards at Once

I wrote yesterday about how to find new Amex offers and sync them to your account. In the comments section, a reader named Kent wondered if it was possible to sync the same offer to multiple cards. He was answered by another reader named Stephanie, who had made an incredible discovery:
You CAN sync the same offer to multiple cards at once. In a brilliant move, Stephanie applied the same logic behind the tried and true “2-browser trick” ( the strategy some people use to get approved for two of the exact same credit cards at once) to the Amex syncing process.
Here is how to do it:
1. Log in to your Amex account.
2. Open a new browser window/tab, and log in to your Amex account on the new window. You will now have two windows open and you will be logged into your Amex account on each one.
3. Repeat (if needed, for as many cards as you’d like to sync).
4. Click on the “Offers For You” tab in each of the windows/accounts.
5. Sync each card by clicking “Save Offer.”
The offer will now show up under the “My Offers” tab of each of your cards!
Since this is a new tip for me, I don’t know if a statement credit will appear on each account once you make each purchase. I’m planning on trying it out on purchases I would make anyway, and I will report back as soon as I learn anything.
In the meantime, has anyone else tried this? What happened?
(Thanks to Stephanie for sharing this amazing discovery, and also to Kent for asking the question in the first place!)
Yes I had tried this for Amazon purchases. Both cards show the offers saved. Both cards have Amazon transactions that moved from pending to Posted, but don’t see evidence of a credit yet on either one under current activity.