Hyatt Regency Waikiki: news and tips from FirstClassQueen.

My friend FirstClassQueen was in Hawaii this past weekend, where he stayed at the Hyatt Regency Waikiki.
As always, FCQ has quite a point of view. My favorite line from this post is when he describes walking past “the long line of commoners” to get to the Diamond check-in desk.
He’s also got some great tips: how to save money on parking fees during your stay, maximize your last day of vacation, enjoy Mai Tai’s with a view, and more!
Oh FCQ, I love you. If you’re not already following him on Instagram, don’t delay. His photos are genius, and he is hilarious.
Any tips on getting a good Maui hotel deal if flights are already booked? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I always enjoy reading about Hawaii! Thanks for the share. When on Oahu, I try to book a decent but not too expensive place, since I spend so little time in the actual room. Doubletree or Sheraton most of the time as they have great kamaaina rates (resident discount). Disney could be fun to try sometime. I’ve never stayed at the Hyatt on Oahu but looks wonderful.