Is this site for real?

I love camping. It’s easy, it’s fun, and it’s cheap.
For a fistful of dollars, you can get a million dollar view and memories to match.

Last summer, I took my kids camping for a night – just the three of us. We fell asleep listening to a babbling brook, and woke up to the sound of birds singing. We went for a hike, roasted marshmallows at all hours, and had the best time.
I think it cost $35 all-in.
I recently came across a site called Shelter Co. Have you heard of them? At first, I was intrigued. They provide an upscale camping experience:
Looks amazing, right? Even if you’re not really a camper?
But then I read further and almost choked on my iced tea when I saw the price: there is a $2,000 minimum for a stay. TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS. Who are these people??? Seriously, who is going to pay $2,000 to sleep in a tent in California when you could pay $20 for the same exact experience?
I mean…really? I’m all about a little luxury now and then, but I almost cannot believe that this is true. Is Shelter Co a real site?
Thoughts? What would you pay for this? Is it me, or is this crazy?
$2,000 to sleep in a tent in California? Looks like their depressed real estate market finally came back! We charge much less than that in south Florida and throw in a free tentside wildlife show, including gators, snakes and panthers.
$2k seems high to me but it depends on what the offer and who the client base is. If money is no object and you just need it done. Also if they offer this on private land or private area that would be better than the redneck camping we do (woke up at 2am by drunk neighbors yelling, cars driving through the campground at all hours of the night, etc. etc.).
It’s known as Glamping! I will stick with the ghetto version our family enjoys!
AlohaDaveKennedy – Wow, tons going on in south Florida. Maybe you should pitch a few tents and start raking in the cash!
DaninSTL – Hmmm, redneck camping…maybe that is a business idea as well? 😉
Tammy – Me too!
Wow. Just wow. Hard to believe it’s real, doesn’t look $2000 fancy! I wonder what length of time 2000 buys.
Rebecca – 1 or 2 nights!!!!!
Oh that’s just absolutely ridiculous!
It’s meant to attract funny money and might just do so………..hell if you pay me $2000 a day I’ll pitch a pitch for you on the side of 101 anywhere in Marin until we we carted off by the CHP…………….
Ugh. I’ll be interested to see if they succeed. I wondered if they were a local SF start-up, and indeed they are. So many over-valued ideas get funded here. Now and again we get a GREAT one, but so many duds in between. Though this is a rare combination of great and ridiculously priced. Maybe their market is the corporate retreat crowd? Still….Ugh.
This is so shocking it hurts…. Ugh, I hope it brings a nice ammenity kit? :-p