
Have you listened to Mortified yet? It’s so incredibly funny. I laugh out loud every time I tune in.
I have to say, it reminds me a lot of the fact that I kept a journal every day when I was an exchange student in France during my junior year of high school. I paged through it this morning, just for fun. Some excepts:
After school, Christine needed help on a paper she was writing for her English class. The title: “The American Life.” I gave her a killer sentence: The skyscrapers seem to reach up forever, just as the dollar is doing lately.
I’m so lonely. Sometimes I wonder if this is all a dream. My throat hurts. Do I count? If life is so wonderful, why do I feel so ugly?
Lunch chez Katia was super! Her house and her parents are the coolest! Her parents called me “tu.” I love when people do that. Vous is just so formal. Katia has a huge house. Her room is genius. It’s made of two rooms, connected by an archway. What I really loved was a platform by the window where she had some of her stuffed animal collection and little bottles of perfume. Wow. I was very impressed. What got me even more is that her parents hang out with her in her room!
The power of the mind is very real and very wonderful. I just spent about 15 minutes (or 20, or 10, I don’t know) in a self-hypnosis session. I am not bragging or anything but I am very good at putting myself under hypnosis.
You just can’t make this stuff up…
How brave of you to be an exchange student at that time of life. That entry so captures that age! When I read my diary from middle and high school I jump from heavy to light topics from sentence to sentence just like that. I wish I had the courage to perform at Mortified, but I still can barely read that diary alone in a dark room!