My new job.

a close up of flowers

I’m very excited to share that I got a new job on Monday.

I’m celebrating.

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 presetThe coolest part is that the job happened because of this blog.

The timing was perfect. For over a decade, I’ve been a teacher and an educational consultant. While I absolutely loved certain parts of my work, I had outgrown other parts. I was feeling kind of stuck.

As you may already know, this blog is a hobby for me. It’s not the way I earn a living. I love to travel, I love to find deals, but most of all, I love to write, and I do it whenever I can. It just so happens that several people have read my blog and enjoyed it enough that they asked me to write for them. Usually it’s articles for other blogs and publications, but just recently, it was for a company in San Francisco. They were looking for a copywriter, and they felt like I was maybe the right person for the job. Of course I was extremely interested, but I was also not very confident that it would actually happen, because the inquiry had really fallen out of the clear blue sky.

But it did happen. I just signed a contract today…as a copywriter in the fashion industry. My dream job.

It’s part-time for now, and my initial contract only extends through the end of this year, but I am absolutely thrilled. It feels like magic.

So, believe me: I know this sounds hokey, but I think it’s just proof that when you follow your passion, you can reach your dreams. This is absolutely one of those times in life when I can hardly wait to see what happens next.

Thank you so much for reading.

More to come.



  1. Congratulations on making and taking that next step! Any step into the unknown is courageous, I commend you and wish you the best going forward!

  2. Kendra, this is incredible! Good things happen to good people. Congratulations! This blog has been very good to you. 🙂

    1. 🙂 Thanks so much, Allison. And thanks for all of your encouragement over the last few months.

  3. Fantastic news, Kendra! Congratulations – how wonderful to combine two of your most favorite interests: writing and fashion. Hope this doesn’t impact the great family trip that you have planned for this summer!

    1. Sharon – YES! Thank you!!

      Luckily it won’t impact our trip – except to make me feel like I’m on cloud 9 😉

  4. Congrats, Kendra! It’s so great that your fun blog has led to this opportunity. Wishing you all the best – I am sure you are going to be just fantastic at this. You will still be able to take that month long trip, right? Looking forward to hearing all about that and this new job. You go, girl!!!!!!!

  5. Congratulations Pixie!!!!!!! What an awesome thing to fall out of the sky, SUPER HAPPY for you!!! So much, I think this is deserving of pink champagne cake for everyone!! WOO HOO!!! Rock on girlfriend

  6. Congratulations, Kendra! You’re proof that good writing (and proofreading) is a skill that you can use in many fields. I know — I’m a former journalist/now corporate comms manager. Keep up the great job on the blog, and good luck in the new gig.
    I always enjoy your posts!

    1. Lyn – Thanks so much for the compliments. Always really great to hear when people like the blog!! Makes my day.

  7. Congrats Kendra I met you briefly at FTULAX hanging around the firepit one night as a newbie (me) I don’t think you were far off either, hard to forget that hair 🙂 Don’t ever stop chasing your dreams you never know what might happen !! Since PHX is my hometown glad your coming I will be there also an will stop by an say hi.

    1. Tom – I remember that night so clearly. I was a newbie, too! Thanks for connecting again. It will be fun to see you in PHX. 🙂

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