Possible $25 from Hertz for Pinterest and NeverLost users.

I recently got an email from Hertz about a new Pinterest promotion they are running: if you build your trip via a Pinterest board, Hertz NeverLost will plan a route for you based on what you pinned.
If you were planning to use NeverLost anyway, this could be a timesaver.
Win a $25 gift card – this might be easy!
If you are one of the first five pinners to create a board and get it verified by Hertz, you will win a $25 gift card. At first I didn’t think much of this – until I learned from Hertz that no one has created a verified board yet with this promo!
This is the right crowd to change that – so get pinning! 😉
Here’s how it works.
1. Create a Pin.Build.Explore board.
• The board should feature pins from the places you want to go.
• Include addresses.
2. Comment on your own board.
• Let Hertz know you’d like their help.
• Address your comment to @HertzNeverLost.
3. NeverLost will build your trip for you.
• You can have it sent directly to you via email or in a free customized Hertz NeverLost USB flash drive.
• Make sure you “verify” your board to be eligible for the $25 gift card. As far as I can tell, this means that you contact Hertz by email and provide a reservation number for your Hertz vehicle.
What is NeverLost?
In case you’ve never heard of NeverLost before, I’m including a little video for you.
Why should I do this?
Well, if you are already on Pinterest and you are already planning on using NeverLost, you’ve got nothing to lose and $25 to gain.
Let me know if any of you win a $25 gift card! That would be great.
bummer, i’m more of an Avis girl but thanks for the tip!