Sakes Alive, Looks Like We Got Us A Convoy!

When I was five, the thing I wanted most for Christmas that year was a K-Tel record titled 24 Great Truck Drivin’ Songs. God only knows why.
My favorite song on the album was “Convoy” by C.W. McCall. I loved the thought of all those lonely trucks rumbling through the night and banding together to form a outlaw truck community. I listened to that song again and again. My poor mother. (Sorry, mom!).
Here’s the chorus:
After my post yesterday where I talked about being a little scared of the FTU, I was thrilled to learn that there are tons of people who feel the same way! As I imagined all of us scaredycats finding each other at the cocktail reception, banding together so we wouldn’t be by ourselves, it dawned on me that we are like the convoy. Strength in numbers!
I hope you decide to join our convoy. I’ll be wearing a red dress (one of the outfits I got at Lodekka in Portland). Still figuring out the rest of my outfits 😉
If you start telling me about your elite status/asking about mine, I will run away from you!
And if you want to buy me a drink, I am a scotch on the rocks kind of girl. Or a beer. I’ll always drink a beer.
Hey Good Buddy,
I’m in!!!! I’ll be wearing slacks and a polo shirt (ha ha – a real style maven).
Can’t wait.
Strangely, I too recall that album. Was there a big push by the trucker’s union in the 70’s or something? I remember there was also a big CB radio craze as well. Huge antennae on top of people’s houses, everyone with their handle. Let ‘er drift!
Peter – I’m sure you will be easy to spot. Maybe you can wear a trucker hat in addition to your planned ensemble?
I won’t be at the FTU, but you are making me wish that I was going! Next time for sure.
Sounds like you will all have a great time. No meanies allowed!
Yes, come next time! It’s fun!
I will be there! I will join the “convoy” for sure.
Bobbi – 10-4! Roger that!
I’ve wanted to be part of a convoy since the 70s and have been waiting for the right one to come along. I wish I was FTU bound!
pinkisnice – HA!!! Your comment made me laugh out loud. This is definitely the right convoy!
I SO wish I was going to the conference, it sounds like it’s going to be a blast and I would totally have a scotch on the rocks with you.