The Google Field Trip app is really good – have you tried it yet?

Have you tried the Google Field Trip app yet? I LOVE it.
The way it works is that once you install it on your phone, it will send you little pop-up cards about interesting locations in the area – right as you pass by! This is great for wandering around in a new city, but it’s also really fun in your own backyard.
You can set the app to send you notifications on an “occasional” or a “frequent” basis, and there is an audio option if you prefer to hear things out loud.
You can customize the app by selecting your interests. This will determine which pop-up facts you get.
You can check as many or as few of the sources that you want. Here are some examples.
As you can see, there are sources from all over the world.
The more you choose, the more notifications you will get.
You can see where things are located in “map view.”
And when you click on a note, you get lots of great info.
You can also get restaurant reviews and coupons for discounts via the app.
I’m so looking forward to using this on my upcoming trips to Palm Springs and Seattle!
Has anyone been using it for awhile? Do you have any tips to share?
It’s Google 🙂 Of course they are tracking everything about you! no worries, they have a privacy policy in place… oh wait, wrong company.
The least of my worries is people tracking my wants…who cares. I think it sounds like a great ap. I don’t have a smartphone, though. Would it work on my black cast iron, desk sitting, dial phone? 🙂
Hmm, some of you may be too young to even picture what I’m talking about.