Totally addictive game from La Quinta

This is one of those times when I feel like I have crossed some kind of line. I’ve never stayed at a La Quinta hotel. I’m not sure if I’ve ever even seen one (where are they?). But I just spent 10 minutes playing their new game, Stay and Play.
It’s totally addictive.
I ended up with 1,500 points.
If you are a fan of La Quinta properties and you’ve got a few minutes to play, this is great! If you couldn’t find a La Quinta property to save your life and you’re actually supposed to be picking your kids up from school right now…use your own best judgement 😉
Good luck!
The background music totally sets the mood!
Their points transfer to some partners on…
Though a cheap free night wouldn´t be bad either 😉
Diego – You called it on the background music!
Yeh…Created a Twitter account (I’m behind, I know) so I could follow them and get the additional ~8 spins. Haul of the day is 1,200 points which, assuming they post, I have no idea what I’d do with since I don’t think there are La Quintas where I travel either. I need the Twitter account anyway for Amex promos so the time spent is not a total waste. 🙂
Claire – Sounds like you had a productive session!
Feel free to use my referral link so I can get some extra spins!
gee whiz how’d ya’ll get so many points? I only got 250