Traveling With The Feathered Ladies

I have been in the same book club for thirteen years. We’ve even got a name: The Feathered Ladies. It used to be The Feathered Ladies of The Tuesday Eve, but then someone’s husband started playing basketball on Tuesdays and couldn’t watch the kids anymore (a-hem, Special K), so we had to change our meeting date and shorten our name. We’ve also got a Feathered Lady “call.” It’s the sound people yelled out in the seventies when they were at a disco, going down the line: oowa! oowa!
There are five of us. We’ve been through a lot of major life stuff together: births, deaths, weddings, moves, breakups, makeups, and more. An enormous amount of crazy stuff, plus tons of unprintable-without-embarrassment stuff, occurs at each of our meetings. Most of it would sound completely stupid if I wrote about it here. (Let’s just put it this way: I have peed in my pants at book club because I was laughing so hard).
Technically, we spend most of our time off-topic. That is, we read a new book each month, but we don’t focus on it too much. Instead we get straight to the more important topics of our personal lives. The trouble is that there is never enough time to fully discuss these vital details. Someone’s husband always comes home early, or someone else has to leave just when things are getting good.
What we really need is a weekend away. Somewhere fabulous.
BPAM (Before Points And Miles), this always seemed tantalizingly out of reach, but now that we’re all on the Points and Miles tip, we’re ready to roll. Our problem is that we can’t agree on a place. Should we party in Vegas or relax on Kauai? Should we try to tie in a book that we all loved, or should we just go to New York because we love it there?
We cannot decide. So I’m asking for ideas…what do you think? Where would you go for a long weekend with four of your closest friends?
Why not go somewhere that none of you have ever been before so you can explore?
Oh, I would want to go to Savannah, GA,Bahamas or Jamaica. I have never been to any of these places and they are relatively close to where I live on the East Coast.
Cal-a-vie or Miraval Spa
If you wanted something relatively close, I would go to San Antonio. For something a little further away, I would choose St. John, VI.
@ElleX – Savannah is intriguing! Maybe we could read Gone With The Wind to get into the spirit of Georgia. I’ve actually never been to the Bahamas or Jamaica either and would love to go – but might be too far for a long weekend.
@Suzy – Right up my alley!! Wish we could go on points 🙂
@Jane – San Antonio! Like the idea! I’m going to look into that. It’s close enough, none of us have ever been there, and I don’t know anything about it but I’d like to find out more.
I love the sound of San Antonio or Savannah! Would love to go to Austin too!
Chrissy – Oowa!
I think all the suggested places sound good. But the trick is to make sure all five women are happy. Having recently spent several hours with another couple trying to find a cruise we all wanted to go on, I know this can be difficult. You don’t want any one to quietly resent the chosen spot.
I would list all the possibilities and then ask everyone at your next meeting if there is a place they absolutely DON’T want to go. I think you would be surprised at how that will narrow down the choices.
Anne – Great idea. We definitely don’t want any quiet resenters on the trip (or any vociferous resenters, for that matter).
Kauai is a wonderful place for a book club meeting! relaxing pupus on the beach soaking up the rays (or not), kayaking up the river, floating around in big inner tubes, amazing Sushi galore, Hanalei wine bar or Bar Acuda tapas. That is my vote!!
+ if you go at the right time, flights are as low as $300-350 RT from CA. Tip: San Jose often has the best fares. In miles, the best I have seen mainland/HI is 40K RT, if you can get a good fare it may be worth paying $ over using miles (unless you’re spilling over in miles of course). For lodging, if you get a place last minute (<1 mos notice) and if there is availability, the rates can be fantastic. I've gotten a 3 bdrm 2 bath, two story house in Princeville (North Shore) for a mere $75/night. Save $ by doing most of your own food preparations.
For car rentals in Hawaii – I get a great Corp discount thru work, but I'll often compare against the discount links on this site. Typically Enterprise has the best rates, and using the link from this page, can save you for example weekly rate of $165 vs $235 for an Economy or $400 vs $516 for a minivan (used July 1-8 for both)
Rebecca – what a thorough response! Thanks so much for the tips, all stellar. Guess we will have to make good use of them and go to Kauai!
I just had a fabulous girls weekend in Palm Springs. It has a very cool retro vibe with lots to do : hiking, exploring mid century design, fab outlet shopping, food, and spa days. Highly recommend!
Tricia – I’ve never been to Palm Springs, but I would love to go. It’s close enough so that we wouldn’t have to spend all day getting there, plus I am a fan of hot weather. Palm Springs is now on my short list! Thank you.
I love hot weather too. Anything in the high 80’s- 90’s is perfection to me. PS has a lot of great hotels, my personal fav is Parker Palm Springs but they just increased their free night cost to some crazy amount! They do run great deals on their website if you look up Gluttons delight or Spa Junkie packages, it gives you a $199 food or spa credit and sometimes the room price will actually be $199, so it comes out even.
FYI: I recommend staying in Palm Springs and not Palm Desert because more to do and not too many retirees. I have rented some great houses through airbnb and VRBO that when split amongst friends can be an awesome deal. I mean amazingly designed houses with bedrooms for all and a swimming pool!
Tricia – GREAT tips, thanks!!!
Nothing beats Kaua’i and it’s only 5 hours from SFO. (Try for a long 3 or 4 day weekend.) You can fly direct to Lihue and get a car rental right at the airport; your plane will arrive in the middle of the day from SFO so you can spend your first afternoon at the beach in Poipu. Reserve 2 nights on the south shore since you will want to spend your second day exploring Waimea Canyon/Kokee State Park. Then morning of third day drive to north shore, to the end of the road, and spend one night on that side of the island. Next morning back to Lihue airport and nap on the plane home!
Island goddess- I’m in!! Sounds SO fabulous. Seriously, I can smell the gardenias now.