Where are people finding all these great Amex offers?

I just got an email from Eve, a reader with a great question:
I’ve been loving all of these recent sync promos from Amex, but I agree with another one of your readers – I feel like I’m always late to the party. Where are people finding all these great Amex offers?
I love this question, because when I was new to the “game” of points/miles/deals collecting, I wondered the same thing. I also love the answer, because it is so easy.
There are 4 ways to find Amex offers and sync them to your cards: directly from your Amex account, and through Twitter, Facebook, and Foursquare. If you aren’t sure what “syncing your card” means, you can read this post I wrote a few weeks ago, which explains the process in detail.
1. How to find and sync offers through your Amex account
When you log in to your American Express account, there is a tab titled “Offers for You”
You can select as many offers as you want. Once you select them, they are linked to your card, and will show up under the “My Offers” button.
2. How to find and sync offers with Twitter
You can sync your card with Twitter here. (Plus, they’ve got a cute video you can watch!)
Somehow, I always tend to miss tweets from Amex, so I periodically check here for updates.
If you are not on Twitter yet, it takes 5 minutes to set up an account, and it really is a great way to keep tabs on all of the “blink and you might miss them” deals online. (Anne – it might be a great way for you to foil the poltergeist in your computer! ;)) My Twitter handle is @pixie_points if you want to follow me while you’re at it.
3. How to find and sync offers with Facebook
You can sync your card to Facebook here. (Of course you have a Facebook account for your alter-ego, right?)
Once you’ve synced your card, you can click on the “Amex Sync” app to find deals.
Simply click on the offers that interest you, and they will be automatically loaded onto your card.
4. How to find and sync offers with Foursquare
You can sync your card with Foursquare here.
What happens next?
Once your card is linked, Amex will offer you deals that show up on your social media account (or in your regular Amex account). The deals are always free. Once you accept a deal, you don’t need to pre-purchase anything, print out a coupon, or show anything at the point of sale. All you need to do is use your synced Amex card when you buy the item. Then you’ll get a statement credit from Amex.
Ready to find and sync?
I hope this makes it a little easier for you guys to find all of the great deals that will be flying around this holiday season!
Do you have any success stories or tips to add? Let us know in the comments section!
I think FB’s SYNC is best since you don’t have to type anything after registering your card to the program.
Thanks for the info. I know when you sync through your AE account, you can only sync one card per on-line account so if you have 3 AE cards on one account, once you sync one card, the offer will disappear from the other cards. I know there are ways around this like removing a card and opening a new account with that removed card and certainly the latest $25 Amazon credit had a workaround with the registration page. Now I’m wondering if this “one card only” rule applies if you try to sync multiple cards through Twitter or Facebook or Foursquare. I use none of them but might just sign up for Twitter if multiple card syncs were possible. Does anyone know the answer? Thanks.
Jimmy – I agree that it is super easy. I personally like the one in my Amex account since I am always checking it anyway!
I synced two different Amex accounts with two different Twitter accounts. I think they need to be separate, at least with Twitter sync.
Again, thanks for the info that was obvious to some, but a few of us are still hanging around the late years of the 20th century, technology wise. 🙁
For instance I don’t tweet. Do you need a bird? (Just jokin’) But will definitely register my card with Amex.
Anne – Yes, it actually took me awhile to figure it out as well, so when Eve asked the question, I realized that it was definitely worth a longer answer.
@Kent C – I have the solution! 🙂 I just found this out recently, actually.
You need to take advantage of using multiple tabs in your browser. Basically, open up your account dashboard in multiple tabs and have each tab open to a different card’s offers. Then, you can add them all separately and they will all save individually to each card.
@Points Pixie – Slickdeals also has a great list of all possible promotions here: http://slickdeals.net/f/6463718-master-amex-sync-offers-faq-thread-summarizing-amex-discount-promotions
You can also set up deal alerts to alert you of new promotions that people find. It was helpful getting a notification right away about the Amazon offer! You should set the alert to only alert you if the thread receives at least one thumbs up in order to minimize the number of notifications sent for mistakenly reposted information.
Stephanie – incredible tips!! Can’t wait to try them.
I tried your suggestion about multiple tabs and it worked! Incredible find! This will certainly go viral on all the blogs before long. Thanks a bunch for helping!
Stephanie and Kent – Love the detailed questions and answers. It’s so great when the community works!
I did my own mini experiment based on Stephanie’s find. I opened two windows and applied amex offers to two cards. I then opened a 3rd window and logged in, without logging out of the first two. I was unable to see the same offers on the 3rd card (only the ones I had not yet clicked on).
LauraPDX – Interesting!
thankful for pixie to figure this out for us!