A news flash and a giveaway.

A few weeks ago, I wrote about a new discovery from Vapur – foldable, packable, reusable water bottles! I was thrilled by the idea of these, and got a few to try out before our upcoming Europe/Asia trip – I was convinced that they were going to be one of our most-used (and likely one of our most-appreciated) items.
However, there were several comments from readers who had issues with leaky foldable bottles in the past. I was hoping that this wouldn’t be the case with these new styles from Vapur, so I put them into heavy rotation. My kids used them at sports practice, I tossed one in my gym bag, and they kind of floated around the house over the past few weeks.
I am happy to report that there has been ZERO leaking whatsoever!
I seriously love these things, especially because you can fold them up like this when you’re not using them:
To celebrate, Vapur has provided me with a .5 liter foldable bottle to give away. This is what it looks like:
If you’d like to win it, please leave a comment below. Your comment can be about anything – a travel tip you’d like to share, a question, feedback about the blog, a story – whatever you want! Leave your comments by midnight Pacific time on Saturday, March 29, 2014. I’ll choose a winner at random.
Good luck!
EDIT – Thanks so much to all those who entered! The winner (chosen with a random number generator) is DFWGuy, who wrote:
Congrats, DFWGuy! Hopefully this new bottle does the trick for you.
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I pair them with groupon 20% off deals and points portals for an even better discount. Every little penny counts!
I’m a huge fan of the vapur bottles!
crossing my finger to win this as I have a trekking trip in Nepal in a couple of weeks
When I travel domestic I never pack more than a carry on and a oversized purse. Even when I go to Caribbean I have narrowed down my luggage to a science because
1. I like to get off the plane and get to my fun destination I hate waiting at the luggage carousel it takes forever ! Also I hate it when airlines lose my luggage or delays my luggage then I have to wait at the hotel for my stuff.
2. I maximize space using packing cubes
3. I always pack a reusable grocery tote. Marshall’s has a huge one for only .99cents
When I return from my trips with gifts and souvenirs I use that as my “purse” and put my actual purse In it
You can easily pull out your purse in and out at anytime even on the plane but it saves you from checking on luggage
4. By packing only a carry on and a purse you can check in online and skip the counters and go straight to security line
TSA won’t take these!
Love the blog! Keep up the good work!!
I’m thirsty. Thanks for the giveaway.
I loved it Joel, my laugh for the morning.
Let me give this a try…
I’ve been wanting to try these but haven’t because of all the feedback about leaks. It’s nice to hear that’s been corrected!
Sounds great – I’m in for one! Thanks!
hope to use these on my next trip to middle east and save smome money. Thanks!
I love Vapur bottles. They fit perfectly flat in my cross body purse! Thanks for all your work! Keep it coming.
would so love to try this on my trip to hawaii
Sure, why not try this.
1. Use a shower cap to put shoes in. It helps to make sure the dirt doesn’t go on any of your clothes
2. For those of us that like two wheeler perfume or cologne hey friend of mine recommended to take out the samples that are in magazines and put them in your purse or wallet. it helps to save space and its not a liquid!
Would love a non-leaky, foldable water bag. Have had a few that leaked
Awesome! I’d love to try this!
It’s hard to find a great water bottle that won’t leak over all the stuff in your bag! Good find. Your style of writing is always so fun and keeps me laughing….along with all the great info! You’re doing a great job!
Nice small alternative to carrying my big camel back
These seem so practical! Would be great for an upcoming trip to SF where plastic bottles are banned!
I’ve had the leaky folding bottle experience. Wouldn’t mind trying the Vapur. Thanks for great travel info, btw
Knowing this works without leaking will keep me from getting the “vapours” when TSA wants to take my other water bottles away from me!
Wouldn’t mind trying this out on my next trip!
Would love to try this kind as I didn’t have much luck with other brands. It would be perfect for Aruba water!
Sounds awesome. Thanks for sharing these. ๐
I’ve been thinking about getting one of these too! Would love to try it out!
Just give me the bottle ๐
Thanks for the giveaway!
Kendra, I was one of the folks who warned you about the leaking. They have definitely changed the design since I bought them. My Vapur bottles had a pop top like you’d see on a water bottle. Glad to hear these work better. I might have to give them another spin.
Would love a foldable bottle that I can fill up after going through security at the airport. I had my purse questioned because I had an empty water bottle in my bag just like week. Really? Can’t even take an empty bottle?
I want one
Crossing my fingers!
Gearing up for a road trip this summer and love reading your tips!
Your blog is such a great read, and you take shopping to a whole ‘nother level – love it! Thanks for running this giveaway – the Vapur would be perfect for our December trip to Hawaii – especially since they don’t leak like the ones I have.
Keep up the great writing!
Hydration hydration hydration!
perfect for points & pixie fans — great for travel & beauty!
Haven’t seen one like this. Definitely worth a try. Thanks.
I love the way it collapses and is held by the clip! No leaks is a terrific plus too! Would love to try one out. Thanks!
This would be great to take onto airplanes. I always buy a gallon jug of spring water when I get to a new city. I could use the Vapur bottle to refresh myself!
I’d like to test this out on my trip to el Salvador next month.
cool! never knew these existed and would be great for travel.
It’s great tto have Vapur’s .5 liter foldable bottle for my trip to Canada!