Are you living in the right state? A fun personality test.

I love personality tests.
Which state matches your personality?
Before I peeked at this test, I would have said that Californians (ahem!) were the most extroverted and open-minded…but I would have been wrong on both counts!
- The most extroverted state is Wisconsin
- The most introverted state is Vermont
- The most open-minded (but least agreeable) state is Washington D.C.
- The least neurotic (and most agreeable) state is Utah
I got Georgia! Which state did you get? You can take the quiz here to find out!
I love stuff like this. I got Georgia too, but it hasn’t inspired any plans to move out of California…(ahem) Northern California. But maybe I’ll start planning a mileage run to Georgia to take a peek!
pinkisnice – Interesting that you got Georgia as well! I wonder if my readers all belong to a certain demographic 😉
Bummed they didn’t include hawaii/alaska! Their quiz link isn’t working on the mobile phone, will try later, though surely results won’t be accurate w/o Hawaii. One thing for certain, I need sunshine and mild/warm temperatures.
Rebecca – I noticed their absence.
Georgia for me as well.
Shannon – See?! What’s up with Georgia??
I got Georgia, too. I think this thing is rigged by the Georgia Tourism Board.
Hottie – Hmmm. Maybe you are on to something.