Stealing a suite in Vegas – it can be done!

I’ve been in the same book club for the past fourteen years. We’ve even got a name (the Feathered Ladies). We’re not your typical book club, because we don’t all always actually read the books, and we always have a loud dance party at the end of each meeting.
Normally we’re content to take turns hosting, but this summer, we’re taking our show on the road…the Feathered Ladies are going to Vegas!
Naturally we need a fabulous hotel. Preferably a suite. Something with lots of style.
I volunteered to find it.
Can you guess where I found the easiest, least expensive and most appealing option? I’ll give you three tries. π
If you guessed Kayak, you’re wrong. Kayak was a total mishmosh, a wild scatter of stars, a crazy mix of hotels I aspired to stay in and ones I wanted to avoid at all costs.
I actually like and use Kayak on a regular basis…for regular stays. However, Kayak does not have the option to sort by suite. The best I could do was to select “4 people per room,” but this didn’t change anything in my search results. In order to find a suite using Kayak, I would have had to manually click through to each interesting hotel, then locate the “more rooms and rates” option, before I could see the available suites (if any).
I am a huge fan of the Pony. Again, a site that I use all the time. However, also not a site that allows you to easily search for suites. And on the dates I searched, also kind of a mixed bag in terms of star level and desirability.
Sigh. TravelPony, I love ya, but you need to work with me here.
The Suitest
Correct! I first wrote about this site last year, but I haven’t had the opportunity to use it yet. This site had everything I needed to plan and book our suite stay. A quick 30-second search displayed many attractive options.
I really like that you are able to sort by suite score (how fab the room is), deal grade (current price compared to regular rates), amenities, and price. The snapshot below is a good example of how the site works.
The Suitest includes tons of details about the deal you are getting (and is willing to give deals a D+ if that is what they deserve!). I also like the level of detail they provide about each room, including multiple photos (and sometimes even video walk-throughs) so you can really see what the room has to offer.
In addition, you can search for exactly what you want:
By using the Suitest, I was able to easily find and book a room that’s fit for the Feathered Ladies. Possibly a challenging task, but clearly the Suitest was up to the job.
And if you want a little industry gossip…
I recently had a chat with Jeremy Murphy, CEO and co-founder of the Suitest. When I pressed him for tidbits about upcoming developments or interesting news on the horizon, he told me that the Suitest recently raised an angel round of investment from Los Angeles travel and tech heavyweights including Brian Lee (founder of Legal Zoom and Shoe Dazzle), JR Johnson (founder of Virtual Tourist), and Jason Pomeranc (founder of the Thompson Hotels and the new Sixty Hotels). They actually haven’t announced the round, but he gave me the green light to share the scoop with my readers.
Exciting news, right? This means we can expect more coolness from the Suitest. I can hardly wait to see what they come up with next.
If you want a cheap suite, just Priceline the Venetian/Palazzo. As you know ALL rooms are suites and if you are an experienced Vegas Priceline/Better Bidding user you’ll likely never pay over $125/nite.
Make sure you use the evil dragon’s links for your bidding…
Geoff – Great tip! I personally like to try other hotels, but if you are simply looking for a suite, then I agree that is an unbeatable price.
I want to join your book club. I really don’t like reading books (I prefer National Enquirer or BoardingArea π ), so it would be perfect for me!
Gene – You would fit right in. π
Suite! π
Rebecca – Ha ha!